Aubrie's Story
All Rights Reserved
Author :  Aubrie's Photography Service
Curator:  Aubrie's Photography Service
A lot of customers ask me, "Why did you name your company Aubrie's?"

Many years wife saw a picture of a cat in the newspaper that was up for adoption.  The article kept reappearing and every time it showed up, she would show it to me.  Not being a cat person, I made up some excuse to put her off; however, without fail, she would present me with the picture from time to time as a reminder that she hadn't forgotten. She kept this up for over a month. One Sunday morning, after she gave me a sweet roll and a nice cup of coffee in bed--out came the picture. "Look at this," she said. "Can we go see her?" I was sure there wouldn't be any chance someone would answer the phone on a Sunday morning so I said, "OK, if anyone answers the phone at the Humane Society right now, we'll go over there and get that damn cat." That turned out to be a bad idea, someone did answer the phone. Who ever said a woman can't get dressed before a man; and away we went.

Well, maybe nobody will answer our knock.  No luck. "Hello" the attendant said as she peered out the door, "You must be here about Sarah--the cat in the newspaper?" We went inside to find Sarah and many other cats locked in cages--each one hoping and seeking the attention of anyone who would provide it. "Take me" they seemed to cry as they mewed. Over in one  cage was Sarah, she was crouched in the corner not making a sound as she peered out at us. The lady said that Sarah had been returned to the Humane Society three times and was going to be put to sleep if no one adopted her this time.  The attendent took her out of the cage and handed her to me.  As I held her, she was shaking and I put her down on the floor.  She immediately ran to under one of the cages in the corner of the room.  As I looked around at the other cages, I said to my wife in a teasing manner, "Let's take this one here, it even has a tail (Aubrie was a Manx cat and didn't have a tail) and it's a lot friskier." No, my wife's mind was made up--Sarah was the cat she wanted and there was no changing her mind. So I crawled under the cage, drug her out, stuffed her in the carrying cage, and proceeded to fill out the adoption papers.

On the way home, my wife said she wanted to rename her Aubrie.  "Aubrie" I said, "Where in the world did you come up with that name?"  She told me she got the idea from a song she'd heard on the radio and it was a unique name for a unique kitty.  Could you argue with that?  I know I couldn't and Aubrie was her name.

Aubrie kept us up with her constant mewing and stirring all night long. Apparently she was ill so we took her to the Vet the next morning. Two hundred dollars later, she was fine--and fine she was. The only place she ever slept was on my lap or on my side of the bed. She greeted me at the door and followed me around the house like a little puppy. Many years later when she became ill and passed away, I had her ashes placed in an urn--where they are today at her place of honor in the curio. After thirteen years of love and dedication to me, I dedicate my business to her--Aubrie's Photography.
This is a photo copy of the original Newspaper Article she showed me on Sunday, March 1, 1987